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Pastebox 2 1 3 – A Clipboard Manager

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  • 1 Best Clipboard managers for Windows 10
  • 2 The best Clipboard managers for Mac OS X

Nov 25, 2019 In a nutshell, a clipboard manager is a computer program that adds functionality to an operating system's clipboard. Many clipboards provide only one buffer for the 'copy and paste' function, and it is overwritten by each new 'copy' operation. Well, a clipboard manager extends this limit, making your items searchable and quicker to retrieve. Save clipboard history app A clipboard manager and clipboard recovery program. Free Freeware 4.33 MB 10 / 8 / 7 / V / XP Very Good (4.4 / 5.0) Oct 17, 2018.

If you copy and paste a lot, probably you cannot imagine your life without Clipboard manager.[2] This application adds functionality to computer’s operating system and might boost your productivity a lot. Probably, you have been at least once in your life in a situation when you copied the link, forgot to paste it and after a while copied another one. Indeed, that’s annoying.

Best Clipboard Managers for Windows of Macs

However, modern age offers numerous tools that can help boost your productivity and make work with a computer more convenient. In order to help you to clipboard manager for Windows[4] and Mac OS,[3] we have analyzed numerous programs and user reviews and prepared the list of the best apps.

Best Clipboard managers for Windows 10


The main features of the ClipboardFusion are:

  • removal of the clipboard formatting;
  • replacement of clipboard text;
  • creation of macros;
  • sync of the clipboard.

The biggest advantage of this program is that it allows easily copy and paste content from one program to another without worrying about problems with formatting.

Nevertheless, the program is free; it still has a premium feature. In order to use Clipboard syncing feature, you have to purchase the license. If you are concerned about the security of your data, you should be aware that it is secured with a strong 256-bit encryption.[5] Therefore, shady third-parties cannot reach and read your information.


The screenshot of Ditto

Ditto clipboard manager belongs to the category of freeware[1]. The program allows saving various information that can be pasted into a clipboard. Thus, you can save necessary text, image or HTML files and find them using via integrated search feature.

The manager app uses sqlite database and has a syncing feature. When information is being sent via network, the program encrypts them in order to protect it. Other features of the program include:

  • Full Unicode support;
  • UTF-8 support for language files.


Save.me clipboard managing app allows automatically save various files and access them easily. With the help of this program, you can save files, folders, images, texts, emails or URLs. This program is also free. However, developers accept and appreciate donations.

However, the software has one big disadvantage. It lacks Quick Paste function. However, other features allow organizing and managing data easily and conveniently.


Clipjump is a multifunctional clipboard manager for Windows. This program does not have a beautiful user interface; however, its functionality is the biggest strength. The program simplifies working with several clipboards. According to the developers:

“The program records changes in the system clipboard, stores them without any limits and provides innovative ways to work with them.”

The main features of the program:

The screenshot of Clipjump

  • paste formats;
  • create plugins;
  • stores the activity and allows searching through it;
  • action mode that allows seeing popular features and opening them easily;
  • scripting;
  • etc.

Clipboard Master

Clipboard Master is promoted as “The Smart Clipboard Manager.” The program is available to download for free for Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista and XP. The program supports text, images, files and other content; and allows pasting it whenever you want on Windows OS. The clipboard managing app can store 10,000 entries and allows searching through them with a convenient search feature.

The tool also has additional features, such as creating screenshots or managing passwords. Nevertheless, these features are not crucial or needed; it’s always nice when developers think about extended user’s needs and give more than they are expected.

The best Clipboard managers for Mac OS X


Undoubtedly, the biggest advantage of Copied app is that it’s compatible with iOS and macOS. The program offers three main features:

The Screenshot of Copied

  • collect clipboard data;
  • quick access to saved data;
  • text transformation.

A better finder rename simple complete powerful 11 09. The software helps to save text, links, static and animated images. It allows not only copying and pasting necessary items but also sharing it via social networks or with other apps. Another significant feature is batch copying that allows copying multiple clippings to the clipboard at the same time.

Pastebox 2 1 3 – A Clipboard Manager


This Mac clipboard manager has a convenient and well-designed interface. What is more, iClip allows customizing it based on user’s preferences. For instance, you can try various skins or adjust the transparency.

However, the main feature of this tool is assistance for those who copy and paste too much. This program is easy to use even for those who do not have high computer skills.

The manager saves plain and rich text, various image formats and other files. Users can also easily access their clipping history and boost their productivity!


PasteBox is a clipboard and snippet manager for macOS. The program allows saving various content, such as:

The Screenshot of PasteBox

  • Plain Text;
  • Rich Text (RTF and RTFD);
  • Tag Image File Format;
  • Filename;
  • URL;
  • Hex Color.

The app offers to use shortcut keys to access and manage clipboard history and paste previously saved content. The program also allows saving, managing, importing or exporting snippets.


According to the Mac App Store description, iClipboard by Chronos Inc is the number one clipboard manager for Macs. The program always works in the background and saves all the data you copy and paste. Therefore, with the help of this tool, you can easily access saved information and use it.

The program includes five different features how users can paste clippings. However, the most significant and convenient feature is the ability to paste several clippings in bulk at once. Therefore, with the help of different shortcuts, you can easily manage saved images, texts, and other content.

iClipboard also allows capturing clippings from other applications and limiting clipboard history. Therefore, you can set for how long the app can store saved data and when it’s time to get rid of the clippings.


The Screenshot of Paste

The developers of this Mac clipboard manager claims that Paste app:

“Stores everything you copy across all your Macs and extends clipboard capacity up to unlimited.”

We have to admit that they do not lie. The program automatically detects the type of the content and saves it particular category. Sd clone pro 3 2019. The programs have unlimited history, so you can access some pictures or links you saved months ago.

The tool also helps to organize saved content by creating lists or pinboards. Therefore, you can save your favorite or most used items to one place. Other features of the program include:

  • paste multiple items;
  • create shortcuts for easier use of the app;
  • iCloud sync and backup.

The functionality of the program is really convenient. However, there’s one minor disadvantage of this clipboard managing program. It’s not for free. It is available on Mac App Store and Setapp for $9,99. However, if you are wondering if it’s worth money, you should take advantage of a free trial.

Copy-paste is a basic action performed by almost all of us who use systems in our daily life. Not only is it a time-saving process but also helps us to boost the productivity. However, using the default Mac clipboard comes with a few limitations like any other default program which can be overcome by using alternatives to it.

In this post, we’ve prepared a list of the 7 best clipboard manager alternatives for Mac.

1. PasteBox

PasteBox is a lightweight and powerful application that helps copy paste content on daily basis to smoothen workflow and enhance productivity. The app has been trusted by dozens of Mac users and developed by Aleksandar Stevic. It is five stars rated the app.


  • It lets you save numerous clipboard types, be it plain text or an image.
  • It is a fantastic app that not only fixes bugs but also enhances your performance.
  • PasteBox is capable of keeping your copied data from clipboard and lets you access the data through a shortcut.

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2. CopyClip

CopyClip is a phenomenal app and useful for Mac users. It is capable of saving all the copied, cut and paste data and rapidly suggest the snippet of text you’ve been looking for. It is a free app and developed by FIPLAB Ltd. With CopyClip, you can take control of copy and paste.


  • It is a valuable time saver application, which is suitable for everyone to handle their workflow.
  • It is easy to use Clipboard Manager that automatically saves everything you copy.
  • You can easily copy, paste, edit, view, and share your content with others.

3. Copy’em Paste (Clipboard Mgr.)

Copy’em Paste is a simple yet powerful clipboard manager for turbocharging your daily workflow. It is a reliable app that records your entire clipboard history of image, text, screenshots, and links.

Pastebin 2 1 3 – A Clipboard Manager Job


  • With Copy’em Paste, you can get an instant access to clippings via the menu bar or customizable command-shift-v.
  • You can store unlimited clippings in almost all the formats such as text, images, PDFs, links, files, HTML and much more.
  • It provides tons of rich features such as sort clippings by drag-and-drop, most-recently-used dates, creation dates, and paste frequency, etc.

4. ClipMenu

ClipMenu is one of the best clipboard manager alternatives that offers tons of incredible features for its users. It allows you to record 8 clipboard types, from plain text to image. To deal with the daily workflow, you can register texts you often use such as user ID’s, e-mail addresses, as snippets.


  • The app can manage re-usable text as snippet.
  • The app allows you to record clipboard history in Rich Text Format (RTF), Rich Text Format Directory (RTFD), URL, PDF, Plain text, TIFF & PICT clipboard types.
  • If you have adequate memory space on your Mac, then you can adjust unlimited clipboard history items free of cost. However, the default value is 20.

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5. iClipboard

With iClipboard, you get a polished interface and class-leading features that help you to perform regular copy & paste commands effectively on Mac. It is a useful app that works in the background and keeps the whole history of copy, cut and paste you have done in the app. It’s a super-fast app that comes with the super simple interface to use.

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Paste Box 2 1 3 – A Clipboard Manager Interview

  • You can simply select multiple clippings at once.
  • It provides five different Shelf height settings, for example, automatic, user-defined, medium, large and small.
  • The app lets you view the originating app, originating document, and URL for relevant clippings.

6. 1Clipboard

1Clipboard is another one of the best Mac clipboard managers that easily lets you access your clipboard from anywhere and anytime. It is an amazing app that keeps a track of everything you copy into your clipboard across all the devices.


  • It is built with an open-source, modern web technologies.
  • The app synchronizes your entire data you copy and access it from anywhere on any device.
  • It allows you to swiftly search the list of past clipboard items and copy any of them in another device.

2 1/3 Fraction

7. Flycut

Last but not the least, flycut is a free, clean and easy to use clipboard manager for developers. Flycut is a clean and simple clipboard manager for developers. Flycut is developed by Gennadiy Potapov, which is based on open source app called Jumpcut.


  • Like other clipboard managers, it also saves everything you do in the app like copy and paste.
  • The app allows you to change hotkey and other settings in preferences as per needs and requirements.
  • It allows you to safeguard your files with password protection. However, there is an option available to skip password protection, if you’re not interested.

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Paste box 2 1 3 – a clipboard manager resume

Overall, the above-mentioned apps are helps you to manage your content on the clipboard efficiently and also enhances your workflow with your minimal efforts.

Pastebin 2 1 3 – A Clipboard Manager Description

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Pastebox 2 1 3 – A Clipboard Manager
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