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Waltr 2 6 20

  1. Waltr 2
  2. Waltr 2 6 2016

Transfers CUE, FLAC, WAV, MKV and AVI files from your computer directly to your iOS devices and helps you bypass the whole iTunes process.

WALTR helps you wirelessly drag-and-drop any music, ringtones, videos, PDF, and ePub files onto your iPhone, iPad, or iPod without iTunes. It is the second major version of Softorino's critically-acclaimed original WALTR, which solved 2 huge problems for every iOS user: unsupported media-format transfer without installing any additional 3rd-party iOS apps, as well as iTunes sync elimination. WALTR 2 2.7.28 Crack Fully Keygen Mac + Win WALTR Torrent direct converter is an owner program introduced by Softorino Inc. This software is used to turn and share music and video folders. These files are converted automatically to apple IOS, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. WALTR can run properly on Mac OS 10.9 and Windows 7 and over. It's built on groundbreaking ideas of concept and design. WALTR 2 represents an entirely different experience between you and your Apple device. Each one of our new products is a big step towards perfection marrying all disciplines – design, technology and experience. WALTR 2 is our most amazing achievement yet.

Waltr 2

Drop Any Music or Video to iOS
No matter if it’s an MKV, MP4 or FLAC – WALTR will convert it to your iPhone or iPad. No other alternative to iTunes for Mac or PC can do this as efficiently as WALTR.

Lightning Fast Speed
WALTR is faster than iTunes or any other iTunes replacement. The average transferring speed is of 2GB/min. Just drag & drop and it’s done.


Macupdater 1 3 5. Save Battery Life
All iOS 3-rd party players aren’t battery efficient. Our iTunes alternative for iPhone lets you play Music & Movies from the default iOS apps resulting in no extra battery loss.

Sync movies and music to iPhone without iTunes
Using WALTR takes no effort! A rule of a thumb to sync files to iPhone: start the application, plug the device in and then drop your files into WALTR. The transfer starts immediately. Like a black magician’s box, it ‘teleports’ files to your iPhone, once you throw them in. Locate your files on your iPhone right after the progress bar gets filled up.

Convert AVI, MKV, FLAC to iOS on-the-fly
Unlike iTunes, WALTR adapts any ‘foreign’ format for the native playback on iOS. This feature alone makes WALTR the best iTunes alternative for Mac and Windows up-to-date. Instead of copying the limited range of file formats that iTunes is used to, we engineered technology that lets you directly convert MKV, AVI, MP4 videos to iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch without having to use addional software like Handbrake or iTunes.

Play your files from stock iOS apps
No matter if AVI, MKV, MP3, M4R, FLAC – your file will land in a proper Apple application (TV.app, Music.app or Settings.app if m4r). Once the transfer is finished, head to the stock Apple apps and play it back! Unclutter 2 1 0 download free. With an ingenious iTunes replacement, like WALTR is, you can play your files from beautiful Apple stock apps, that are also battery efficient.

Waltr 2 6 2016

Compatibility: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

. Sitesucker 2 10 5 download free.

WaltR 2.6.20 | Mac OS X | 37 MB.

WaltR – The only application for the Mac, which loads MKV, FLAC files directly on the iPhone / iPad for natural reproduction. No additional iOS applications are required.

Amazing. Easy. Magical.
Drag and drop any music, ringtones, videos, PDF and ePUB files on any device without Apple iTunes (and no additional applications).
Defines a true experience.
WALTR 2 introduces intelligent automatic content recognition built for music, movies and TV shows. This enhancement makes the invisible visible change in how you view movies in their application ‘Videos’. In addition to artworks, WALTR 2 recognizes and populates title, genre, description of the episode, actor and more information.
Without cables.
With high – speed connectivity Wi-Fi – WALTR 2 provides a new dimension to freedom. As soon as WALTR 2 is opened, it looks instantly to any Wi-Fi enabled iOS devices around and connects with them. This only takes a few seconds to discover the bridge between WALTR 2 and iPhone. Fast connectivity allows you to drop even large files like movies.
Resurrect the legacy.
WALTR 2 goes beyond iOS devices. Now it includes support for the entire line of Apple iPods from the original iPod Classic 2001. When an iPod is connected to your computer, WALTR 2 to instantly detects and appears on the screen release. All music formats are supported, including FLAC, APE. This is the best time to blow the dust of favorite music players.
You get a good read.
Apple iBooks app for iOS is perfect for both – reading books and managing your documents. WALTR 2 brings full support for EPUB and PDF formats. When pushed to WALTR 2 – his books and documents appear in your iBooks application available on the appropriate tab. And as always, you do not need to install any 3rd party iOS applications for this.

and much more!!

Waltr 2 6 20
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